Pinewood is Perfect
Munds Park Business Alliance (MPBA)
updated: 05/09/16
Mission Statement:
  Foster an environment of mutual business cooperation to the betterment of the Munds Park community while enhancing each participating business' ability to grow and succeed in the market place through affiliation, support, and referral.


  All Munds Park businesses are encouraged to join.

  Annual memberships:  Individual $150, Corporate $350.  Fundraising activities are geared to raise monies to apply to the Munds Park Beautification projects.

  Third Thursday of each month, May through October, 4pm at the Munds Park Community Church Fellowship Hall.

  Len Friedlund, President, (928) 600-3896, <>.
P.O. Box 18917, Munds Park, AZ 86017.

Additional Information:
Motto   "Building Business Partnerships for a Stronger Community"

Membership Benefits:
Each member will have their business cards, brochures, pamphlets, and other advertising materials included in the Welcome Basket which are given to every new property owner in Munds Park.  This exposure and marketing to new customers should improve the bottom line.

A classified directory will include each member's contact information which will expand the networking opportunities and referral sources.

Being a part of the business platform promoting Munds Park and participation in local business development will give each member the opportunity to share successes and learn from affiliate businesses.

Core Values:
+ Each business will manage their enterprise diligently and in good faith and will not let  personal compensation supersede the long-tem interest of the enterprise or society at large.
+ Understand and uphold the letter and spirit of the law governing your own conduct and that of your enterprise.
+ Respect and protect the rights and dignity of all people affected by your enterprise and oppose all forms of discrimination and exploitation.
+ Respect and protect the right of future generations to enjoy a clean and resourceful planet.
+ Do not engage in nor tolerate bribery or any other form of corruption.
+ Represent the performance and risks of your enterprise accurately and honestly to everyone affected by it.  Disclose information necessary to treat all parties fairly.
+ Help find solutions to social and environmental issues that are central to your enterprise.
+ Invest in your own professional development and that of other managers under your supervision.

Current members:
- A TO Z Pine Country Home Inspections, LLC, Terry Salazar
- Ingenium Design, Incorporated, Lisa Koch
- Munds Park Community Church, Pastor Steve Bowyer
- Pinewood Country Club, GM Marty Haughian
- Pinewood Farmers Market, Mary Ellen Titus
- Pinewood Fire Department, Chief John Welsch
- Pinewood News, Sharon Emery
- PPOA, Tom Eade
- Provident Partners Realty, Bill Spain

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Country Club
PFD Auxiliary
Fire District PWFD
Fire Wise
Community Watch
Pinewood Players
Sanitary District
Munds Park Organizations
Last Updated: 15-Sept-2010