Pinewood is Perfect

Munds Park Community Church (MPCC)

Mission Statement:  Munds Park Community Church is non-denominational, introducing people to the Lord Jesus Christ, welcoming them into membership in God's family, nurturing them toward Christian Maturity, enabling them to share their unique ministries, and celebrating together the joy of God's salvation.


  Open to all residents of Munds Park; directed by a Board of Elders elected by the membership.  (see additional information for types of memberships)

  Funded entirely by donations from members and friends; the church is a 501(C)3 nonprofit organization.

  Sunday worship at 10:30am, Sunday School at 9:00am,Saturday at 6:30pm May through September.  Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 1:00pm or by appointment.

  Reverend Rex Sample (928) 286-2022 or for emergencies 24/7 (928) 310-6402.

Additional Information:
  Munds Park Community Church is a non-denominational church and recognizes no denominational authority over and above the worshipping body of believers other than the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the Church (Esp. 5:23).  We look to Him for guidance, wisdom, inspiration, and authority.  The governing body of the church is the Board of Elders elected by the membership.  The senior pastor serves as the Administrator and serves at the will of the Board and the membership.

There are three types of memberships:
- Full Membership - this membership has full voting and office holding rights;
- Associate Membership - they may serve in various areas and capacities but do not have the right to vote or hold office;
- Dual Membership - those who are committed to the fellowship and ministry of the church but who are also members of another church.  These members also have full voting and office holding rights.

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Last Updated: 10-Oct-2010